lundi 9 septembre 2013

Chris & Clare Godson: seasoned merchants of misery.

Even 2013, in Europe and the United States of America, despite some horrendous insights into paedophile gangs/cults operating in sleepy towns of  Wales or northern England,  many officers in law enforcement, child welfare, the media, and the judicial process simply refuse to accept that there are elements of society who are committed to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual destruction of  children.

If you have further information about the "activities" of Chris Godson and Clare Godson please contact:  or

Please be mindful that the use of entrapment links include:; Godson TP; and a host of gullible/innocent ex-pat sites in France.

The Godsons have changed the name of their cult/prayer group on numerous occasions in the past.   The identity of the group has usually been masked  to avoid prosecution and litigation, to increase income, and to recruit a new range of vulnerable members.
At the moment the Godsons are busily projecting a "wholesome" image and claiming well-founded allegations against them are motivated by malicious former followers and those envious of their lifestyle.Clare Godson has routinely claimed that the allegations have been made by people envious of her "spiritual" development.

Imagine the shock then at news of a paedophile cult operating behind the doors of seemingly normal houses in Central France (imagine the shock in Benevent l'Abbaye about Chris and Clare Godson).......

Shock, the locals say, is something of an understatement.

If you know more about the Godsons in Cambodia, Thailand, the USA and Ireland please contact us.
Contact:    or
If you feel threatened by Chris and Clare Godson or fear you are being sucked into their web please seek our help. If you are being pressured into employing Godson we can offer advice!
Please seek our advice if your daughter(s) have been the subject of grooming by Clare Godson.
In particular,  do not allow Clare Godson to lure them into "pocket money" jobs in the gites or B&B located in Benevent l'Abbaye.
We contend that work which directly puts the Godsons into contact with vulnerable members of  the public like the presently operated B&B, gites or so-called "pilgrim" dormitory/self-catering annexe should be forbidden by the Court/Tribunal in the appropriate jurisdiction.

The Godsons remain an ever present Danger to the vulnerable and retired in La Creuse. They advertise in every possible expat periodical and portray themselves as a lovely "uncomplicated"  Christian couple. See the article featured in the 2010 February edition of THE BUGLE (advertorial).

The set formula used by the Godsons to trap the vulnerable:

1. you telephone for an estimate/devis;

2. invariably the devis is pushed as an urgent solution to your problem and Godson draws up plans and claims that he has already incurred considerable expenditure on your behalf;

3. you feel morally obliged to accept his estimate/devis and he is already pushing his "property management" and "problem solving" services toward you. You are still a stranger in France and he offers his services to arrange permissions at the MAIRIE, set up your phone, computer and internet connexions, organise vehicle registration, sort out accounts for the local bank;

4. you are invited to lunch and/or supper and he ingratiates himself with you;

5. you are HOOKED and about to see your Bank account emptied and your life start to revolve around their cult!

Last year we were contacted by a lady living near Pontarion who was subjected to an intense campaign by Chris Godson who claimed that she required an expensive new fosse septique installation, fortunately, she resisted this pressure although she felt very vulnerable because her husband worked in the Middle East.  Chris Godson was telephoning, visiting and pressuring for weeks after his "no obligation" devis! On careful research she discovered that her existing installation was new, functioning well, and needed only minor repair/alteration! The Godson installation was set to cost many thousands of euros..................................

Godson entrapment advertisements:   in fact, rather than keeping things quiet, as you might expect people with a criminal past to do, the Godsons purposefully draw attention to their string of seedy enterprises and, until quite recently, they would advertise their fraudulent missionary status without shame. A vast number of websites broadcast the Godson entrapment enterprises to an English, French, Belgian, Dutch and German audience. The so-called pilgrim dormitory (recently re-branded as a self-catering annexe) has become the flagship enterprise as the septic tank installation business is dropping like a stone.

The entrapment enterprises:

teaching English to young girls;

fosse septiques;

minor building work;




chimney repair;

property management;



pilgrim dormitory/self-catering annexe;

contracting labour;

hire of equipment;

property surveys, general surveying;


property rentals.

As one of our contributors from Ireland, with a full knowledge of the methods used by the Godsons, said:  "you would think these people would hide under a dung heap, rather than flood the internet with their spurious/entrapment adverts."

Chris and Clare Godson seem to believe that they were chosen and can do what they want with impunity!

Cult members are easily identified in Benevent l'Abbaye, they are mostly English and some USA drifters, and have permanently vacant expressions and cannot look you in the eye! They seem to cringe and look creepy!!!!! Several of the British followers live in the shabby "slave"  labour gites and can be described as degenerate lowlife characters.........
Senior cult members are very much a closed community and like Chris and Clare Godson themselves deeply paranoid.
One of the main problems we face at the moment is that Benevent l'Abbaye has become a cult compound since the arrival of Chris and Clare Godson in 2004. They added 20+  properties to their portfolio and these serve to accommodate recruits/converts/slave labour/pilgrims.

We will shortly be publishing additional photographs of the Godson properties (20+ buildings) provided by a helpful correspondent in the area.

Head Girl:
Clare Godson reigned as vicious sadistic Head girl at her boarding school in Surrey.
As so called Head Girl she went after any girl that did not fit! She launched campaigns of such torment and bullying that many girls begged their parents to take them away from the School. She exerted a mafioso grip on the school and teachers felt quite intimidated and unable to stop her savage assaults................

She would round up a team of confederates and use them to harass and terrify the victim. Her evil campaigns scarred the childhood of her numerous victims. She believed that she had the right to decide the fate of the girls in the school, and the right to approve or disapprove of them.

Our most recent contact from these dark days at Br****y School describes Clare Soden as deeply resentful of any girl that might prove more gifted or intelligent than herself. Our contact suggests with black humour that this, of course, gave the Soden bully an enormous list of targets!
A child who might come from a superior or more academic background was instantly something to be attacked with a variety of spiteful and brutal cruelties to ensure they knew that Clare Soden reigned. Clare would humiliate the target victim and reduce them to helpless despair. Far from protecting the weak, as you would expect a HEAD GIRL to do, she was a monster and broke spirits and stole with impunity devising a protection racket worthy of her Father's East End gangland  roots!

Clare Soden forced her warped vision and tainted ideals on the school. There can be no doubt that her need for power and her enjoyment of inflicting cruelty was given ample opportunity at this little school. Hopefully, a monster of this type can never blight this little school again.
The capricious reward and punishment schemes meted out by Clare Godson were a familiar technique developed by her in the Surrey boarding school and brought to the service of the original USA cult.

If you have more information about Clare Livinia Soden (Clare Godson) please email us.

We have been contacted by a number of families in La Creuse who have been the subject of an aggressive campaign by Chris and Clare Godson to ingratiate themselves.
The families all have one factor in common! They have young daughters, young impressionable daughters, just entering puberty. The daughters are offered unofficial jobs for pocket-money at the Godson gites and B&B. Clare Godson puts on her respectable mum cloak............and the daughters go nearly mad wanting to make a bit of independent money.
The parents have a nagging sensation that something is wrong but are swept away by the determination of the daughters.
AND, of course, it all ends in tears.

Godson apparently regularly provoked the ire of neighbours in Ireland who objected to the suspicious comings and goings at their Wicklow house.
Amongst whom was the lady next door, an outraged woman,  whose house was positioned so that she could not avoid being aware of the seedy nature of the set-up.
She and her husband kept a close watch on what went on there. Her husband died in a mysterious vehicle accident after raising the alarm about the presence of underage girls and pervy looking men visiting the Godson home. They don't seem to have been too impressed by the explanations of "spiritual improvement"  given by the Godson couple.
The neighbour was interviewed in the local press and described regular conflict between her and the Godson couple involving a procession of complaints to the police and the local authority. It  was a brothel in every possible way and the clients were clearly attracted to the twelve year old girls that stayed over at the Godsons, she said.
The Godsons have bought over 20+  properties in Benevent l'Abbaye and have stationed an odd set of converts/recruits in all the buildings. Many of these recruits seem to work on the plumbing/renovation enterprises for negligable pay and look spaced out with vacant un-focussed expressions.
One of our correspondents in Benevent l'Abbaye saw three distinctly rough, yobby, characters on the B&B doorstep negotiating for access with Clare Godson. They didn"t look like pilgrims or guys hoping to improve their "spirituality!"

Benevent l'Abbaye:    I live in the small French town (mentioned here) and actually wondered if there was or is a cult opperating here!
I don't want to say too much about myself as I feel quite threatened.
I am reading through this Blog, quite a job, and now realise why I was so uneasy meeting Clare Godson.
Thanks for the warning about them.

Anon. 2011.

Protecting the public from this greedy, rapacious, pair of charlatans is of the utmost importance. The public need to be warned about Chris and Clare Godson!

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